

deinterleave(input, output)

Interleaved -> Planar audio buffer conversion This is useful to get data from a codec, the network, or anything that is interleaved, into a planar format, for example a Web Audio API AudioBuffer or the output parameter of an AudioWorkletProcessor.
Name Type Description
input Float32Array is an array of n*128 frames arrays, interleaved, where n is the channel count.
output Float32Array is an array of 128-frames arrays.

interleave(input, output)

Planar -> Interleaved audio buffer conversion This function is useful to get data from the Web Audio API (that uses a planar format), into something that a codec or network streaming library would expect.
Name Type Description
input Float32Array An array of n*128 frames Float32Array that hold the audio data.
output Float32Array A Float32Array that is n*128 elements long.